Today’s reading is found in John 14:27 (NLT)
I am leaving you with a gift—peace of mind and heart. And the peace I give is a gift the world cannot give. So don’t be troubled or afraid.
The peace promised in the scriptures is so much more than the absence of conflict. This peace is shalom. The ancient Hebrew meaning of shalom is to “make something whole.” In the world we live in today conflict is everywhere. It’s hard to imagine the peace God promises even being possible. Our present circumstances confirm that God’s work isn’t done yet. That reality is what propels us to await eagerly for the return of Jesus.
When Jesus came to this earth, he made peace between God and His children possible. The peace of Jesus is available to anyone who believes in Jesus, repents of his/her sins, and lives in submission to the Holy Spirit’s work in their lives. However, there is another promise that brings peace into our minds and hearts – the promise of the return of Christ. That is a day we all long for.
Take some time today to focus your mind on Christ, the Messiah.
Spend a moment considering areas in your life in which you most long to experience God’s peace. Pray for God’s peace to be realized in those areas or relationships where you most feel it lacking.